Thursday 29 November 2012

About The Hours

At this moment, I have no idea. I guess it is how people live a life is not theirs. Sometimes, when we love someone we think love will give us happiness but, the problem is happiness is just a moment and life is more than that; it is days, years and hours, as the movie said. Loving someone doesn’t mean to be forbidden to love someone or something else. If we get to the point of living imprisoned in our own body, mind and time, we should then, desire death, because death will give us freedom. 


Wednesday 28 November 2012

Breaking The Silence: The hidden injuries of the neoliberal university. Rosalind Gill

1. Explain the effect that an intensification of academic labours could produce in nominal and non-nominal contracted teachers.

2. Which are the four different literatures that the author proposed and explain each one.
3. Argue the features which is composed Neo-liberalism field related to academic writing and academic life.
1. Why in the text, through different examples, is peer critique shown as an essential tool to develop writing skills in students?

2. Mention the main characteristic for an effective witten peer critique, and explain why is it significant.  

Why I write

1. What is the purpose of Didion's essay?
2. Why does the author claim that all she knows about grammar is "its infinitive power"?
3. The author writes novels from pictures in her mind. Do you think is a good way to do it?

Natalia Gonzalez, Yareth Martinez y Margareth Marmolejo

Student Writing as "Academic Literacies": Drawing on Bakhtin to Move from Critique to Design.

1) Which ones are the implications of a Dialogic approach?
2) Why is meaning making necessary in Theresa's proposal?
3) According to Theresa Lillis, why we should move from Critique to Design? Mention at least two reasons.

Rosa H: Word Cloud Glossary

Word-Cloud Glossary:

1. Didactics:  Didactics is a theory of teaching, and in a wider sense, a theory and practical application of teaching and learning. It is a teaching method that follows a consistent scientific approach or educational style to engage the student. The didactic method of instruction is often contrasted with dialectics and the Socratic Method; the term can also be used to refer to a specific didactic method, as for instance constructivist didactics. The theory of Didactic Learning methods focuses on the baseline knowledge students possess and seeks to improve upon and convey this information. It also refers to the foundation or starting point in a lesson plan, where the overall goal is knowledge. A teacher or educator functions in this role as an authoritative figure, but also as both a guide and a resource for students.

2. Sequence: A sequence is a set of related events, movements, or items that follow each other in a particular order. The word becomes from the late Middle English: from Latin sequentia, from Latin sequent- 'following', from the verb sequi 'follow'.

3. English: The West Germanic language of England, now widely used in many varieties throughout the world. English is the principal language of Great Britain, the US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries. There are some 400 million native speakers, and it is the medium of communication for many millions more; it is the most widely used second language in the world. It belongs to the West Germanic group of Indo-European languages though its vocabulary has been much influenced by Old Norse, Norman French, and Latin.

4. Methodology: Is usually a guideline system for solving a problem, with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools.

5. Student: Is a person engaged in study; one who is devoted to learning; a pupil; a scholar; especially one who attends a school, or who seeks knowledge from professional teachers or from books; as, the student of an academy, a college, or an university.

Rosa H: The Hours

It is kind of difficult to say just one topic from this movie. First of all, these three women lived through the book "Mrs Dalloway". the book written by Virginia Wolf. These three women have several characteristics in common; their points of view about life, the happiness was just some of them. At some point they were happier than ever and wanted to go back to that point. It was very difficult to find a way to scape what they got, and go for the thing they wanted. The complexity of living life, and the fear of living it the way it goes on. Make decision, love, live, die. These are just few topics about this amazing movie. How they were making decision that not only affected them but people around them. All these elements that go into making their lives  through illness, sadness,  love, lesbianism, family to what really it treats, a real life. 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

(from monologism to dialogism)

Monday 26 November 2012

The hours

This movie shows the real intentions, feelings, scares and desires of not only three women, there are the real stuff on humans. It also shows how writing and reading helps to surrender, crush, immobilize and identify us in someone else, in a character. It also talks about how we all get connected, how our feelings and thoughts define us and make us who we really are. The movie make us ask ourselves what is life, how we should live, what is love. " look life in the face, to know it for what it is,  to love it for what it is". 


 “The Hours” Here in this film we can find three women: Virginia Woolf ( the writer)  Clarissa ( a publisher) and Laura (the  mother). The characters are from different  chronological time, but they are linked in the movie for  the love, happiness, tragedies, Sadness, loneliness, suicide and lesbianism which are developed all along the movie and Mrs. Dalloway (Virginia Woolf’s book). The movie try to tell us why we make a decision to live or die?.

Woolf’s struggle with mental illness led her to commit suicide, every scene is colored by the knowledge that she will ultimately decide to take her own life. She is so sensitive to the world around her and unusually receptive to small details of her environment, which she believes have incredible significance. Her sensitivity makes her a great writer.

Laura Brown feels surprised by the direction of  her life has taken. She thinks that she should be happy, because her husband is kind, her son loves her, and they live in a nice home. Laura feels that something is wrong with her but tries to convince herself that she is normal. Laura attempted suicide. Like many women of her generation, married young and has the roles of wife and mother at a relatively young age.

Clarissa takes great pleasure in the day-to-day details of life, she questions the choices that she has made and has doubts about what her life has come to. Nostalgia for her love .She loves the small domestic details of her life, and she enjoys the simple acts of buying flowers and keeping a beautiful apartment. 


I think a possible title for this film could be: A boy in search of his father or a woman in search of love.  Dora, started writing letters in order to work . People who did not know how to read or write at a train station look for her and used her writing services. once, a woman with a little boy called Josue, asked her to write a letter to Josue’s father.but  she was run overed she was Josue mother. 

Dora took the boy to her home. And he discovered that Dora did not do her work she just wants the money.Joshua is a temperamental child, with a marked character, and Dora is someone similar.
The next day Dora escaped with Josue  They bought the bus tickets and went to look for Josue's father. Dora tried to abandon Josue because she was thinking that  she was not a good person for the Josue education.she was not a very good example,she drinked and  her values were lost.

So in the road they found a truck driver, Dora was so ho that day and tried to flirt him but he was Christian, and he was not ready for the action. So the driver  abandoned them. May be he thought that the devil,the snake,the woman had arrived to know Adan and Eve,the apple,the sin.
Josue and Dora continued walking and hiking, they arrived  in  a town but Josue’s father had left the house six months ago.

we see issues like moral values, friendship and the importance of family in the lives of people. Dora shown their moral conscience and their values ​​when rescues him knowing that children are bought to remove organs and Josue ran much danger there. I think that the film is very sincere and honest. A film about life, here we can see the  truly weight and  the importance of writing is.

Central station's plot / Andreinna delgado - Ana María Rodríguez / Andrés Bolaño

Dora was an old woman who wrote letters for people who did not know how to read or write. She used to be a teacher, but later she started to work at the Central do Brasil, the biggest train station in Rio de Janeiro.

She served many people in the station. One day, a middle-aged woman and his son, Josué, approached to Dora to ask her to write a letter to Josue's father. They wanted to tell him that they were OK living in Rio, and that Josue wanted to get in touch with him. Josue's mother made it clear that she didn't agree with it because she thought he was just a drunker.
Often, Dora did not take the letters to the post office. Sometimes she just stayed at home with her friend and mocked the stuff people asked her to write. Dora kept Josué and his mother's letter.
Several days later, Josue and his mother went to Dora again to ask her to write a new letter. Josue suspected Dora had not taken the letter in the mail. Dora did her job, and when Josue and his mom left the train station, a bus crashed the woman. Then, Josue remained alone.
Feeling guilty, Dora took Josue to her home, but she didn't know what to do. Then, she decided to "sell" him to a couple who wanted to adopt him, but later she found out their intention was to sell Josue's organs. Heroically, Dora decided to rescue him and escaped from Rio de Janeiro.
Dora assumes to take Josue with his father, who lived in Bom Jesus, in Northeast Brazil.
During the trip Josue gets drunk because of a bottle of wine Dora left. There is a point where Dora decided to abandon him because, she thought, he would be better without her. She put some money in the kid's bag while he was sleeping and gave indications to the driver to take him to Bom Jesus. She left the bus and buys a ticket to go back to Rio.
Nevertheless, when she was in the cafeteria at the bus station, she realized the kid had got down from the bus and left the bag in it. Then, they remained with no money or food, so a truck driver offered to help by taking them to the town they want.
They stopped in a restaurant and Dora was flirting with the driver. She went to the restroom and once she came back the driver was already gone.
Some hours later she gave her watch to another driver in order to take them to the town. When they finally arrived at their destiny, they realized they had to get some money and Josue had the idea of selling letters. Then, they bought some food and they looked to  Josue's father. They didn't find him. Instead they found Josue's brothers and Dora decided to leave him there because she thought it was a better place for him.
Many times, when people don't know how to read or write depend on other people to communicate their ideas in a formal way also when there is a situation in which those people need writing skills. In the movie Central Station we can see how Josué depends on other people because he doesn't have these important skills, he doesn't know how to read and not only him, but many other people especially in the town where is developed the story. These people must trust in the other people who help them write something even without knowing what are they actually writing. In relation with the text: Theorizing the Space of Literacy Practices by Lesley Bartlett and Dorothy Holland this movie shows us the situations in which the literacy education is absent, especially in poor people and how they need to “communicate oneself” through people who know how write and provide this as a service.


Sunday 25 November 2012

Notes from the movie "The Hours"

I would say there is not just one topic for the three stories. Themes such as having a double life, sadness and suicide are developed all along the movie.

Nevertheless, there is a common issue throughout the film that links the stories of Virginia (character based on Virginia Woolf), Laura and Clarissa. Deep inside, the are unhappy, even though they seem to have succesful lives. There is something they hide.

In certain way, reading and writing emerge in the middle of their tragedy as a "blowoff valve". I found particularly interesting how Virginia wrote down all her wishes and frustrations on her novel "Mrs Halloway", and the way Laura felt identified with the character in Virginia's work.

It was surprising to find Richard (the poet in 2001 story) was Laura's son, and to see the way her decision (in some way influenced by Virginia's novel) affected Richard's life. His relationship with his mother, at the end, made him to kill himself. This way, the circle was closed.

THE HOURS - Diana Carolina Monedero Solís

In the movie “The Hours” the life of three women are presented: Virginia Woolf (a writer), Laura (a mother) and Clarissa (a publisher). These characters are from different epochs, but they are linked in the movie by four crucial elements. These elements are love, life, happiness and Mrs. Dalloway (Virginia Woolf’s book). I just can say that this film pretends to make the audience think on why we decide to live or die, because of us or because of someone else. Even if I have watched the movie twice, I think that I have to read first the book in order to understand the movie better.

Mind map: "Student Writing as Academic Literacies"

Concept map Nati

Saturday 24 November 2012

Leidy Yareth Martínez López
Natalia González Ortíz 

There was a woman called Dora, about 50 years old. After being a teacher, she started to work writing letters to people who did not know how to read or write at a train station. One day, while doing her job, a woman with a kid called Josue arrived. They asked her to write a letter to the kid's father.

After  the kid and his mom asked for Dora's services the lady with his son stopped at a traffic light close to the train station. The mother was crushed by a bus and Josue stayed alone.
Dora took Josue to her home. There, Josue discovered that she did not put the letters in the post office. and got mad at her.
The next day Dora got the kid to an adoption house where the kids were used as organ donors but after some hours she regretted her action and escaped with him.
They decided to make a trip. They bought the bus tickets in order to look for Josue's father. While they were travelling Dora and Josue got drunk. After noticing what had happened Dora tried to abandon Josue because she thought she was not a good company, but finally they got together once again. Then, they tried one more time and found a truck driver that would take them to Josue's father home. However,  Dora flirted with him but the driver was scared because he was a religious man and he felt uncomfortablef. So, the driver abandoned him in the middle of the road.
Josue and Dora continued walking and asked for a ride, they stopped in a little town but they run off money and they were hungry. In the town the people were celebrating a Saint's feast, there, Josue got an idea in order to get money. The idea was to write the country people prays to the Saint. They made enough money to look for Josue's father where he was supposed to live. Unfortunately, he was not there but his children were. They told Dora and Josue their father had left the house six months ago and he only left a letter for Anna, his wife, because he was sure she would come back.  Dora read the letter and everybody realised that Josue's father was indeed looking for Josue and his mother in Rio.
Dora realised Josue's brother were good people so did his father, and she decided to left him in that place with his family. She left the house without letting the boy notice her absence but she left him a letter explaining why she had gone. 

Relation with the text
This is a clear example of how people needs to communicate each other through writing. The person who knows how to write is consider an educated person and has a higher level in society, while people who do not write have limitations and are often left aside.   



Friday 23 November 2012

Free online mind mapping

The hours - Andreinna Delgado Ricci

The movie is about the story of three women who are not happy with their lifes because of the sad situations and psychological problems that go arround them. The stories are connected through the film and also are developed in different chronoligical times. All of the
them have in common topics like tragedies, sad situations, diseases and even death. Lesbianism is also a characteristic highlighted by the director of the film.


the hours.

the movie talks about human's kind deception when persuing the life's meaning. it has various reliefs like the concept of family, the struggle of women through history, the search for happiness, the social swifts of family roles through history. but it goes beyond genres, history and individuality and face humanity to life, how each of us try to confront it through the hours.

Central Station

Dora is a letter writer, she is 50 years old and she is mean person with poor people who are the one who ask her for her service as a letter writer. Dora used to take the letters home and read them with her best  friend; one of those letters was written for a boy called Josue and her mother who wanted to meet his father.

Dora after witness the accident of Josue´s mom had to be in charge of  him because she dyed after been  run over by  a bus. After this accident Dora saw Josue desperate and alone still waiting for his mom to come back. Dora  decided to take advantage of Josue situation to gain his trust in order to sell him and make some money.

After a couple of events Dora and Josue starter a trip and Dora bought a bottle of alcohol and got drunk then Josue got drunk too and fall asleep. The bus stoped and Dora got out of the bus to buy another ticket to go back home............

Topic of "The hours"

 The hours' topics

I think the film "The hours" develops several topics.
There is life Vs death, regret; absurdism; love and happiness.

The film shows how life is conceived by some people (the female protagonist) and how it goes into a monotone chain of events. Those women are looking for something that makes their lives remarkable, something that not only makes them feel happy but free and complete. Surely they regret the way their lives have passed. In that way, they can identify how absurd is living a life like anyone else and pretend to be happy.
It is possible to realize absurdism in some scenes when the characters look depressed and they want to be different, to do things in a different way. One example of it is Laura Brown when she makes the decision of leaving her children.
There is also regret . The character of Clarissa, for example, regrets how her life has no sense without Richard and she believes he is right when he call her Mrs. Dallo-way because of what that name represents.


The Hours

The movie "The Hours" tells the story of three different women from different generations who are affected by personal problems and  experience some unhappiness in their lives or felt trap in different negative aspects of their life's, they also they have in common suicidal issues and a character.

The hours. By alex

it's about life and its cycles; life divided into time sequences, first as the movie was titled the hours, second the days, then the years, it shows three different lifes connected in three different times, it's about life with its ups and downs, about love, happiness, etc. The movie is also about death and this as an exit, a way to leave this life, or as a form to return to the place where we all came from, an unknown place where we all have to go someday. The movie is mainly about life and death.


DORA: she was a mature woman who worked in a train-station as a writer of letters for people who did'nt know how to write. She was grumpy and annoyed, before she worked as a teacher in a primary school. 2. One day a woman with a kid asked her to write a letter to her son's father because he wants to know him, although she says the man wasn't a good person. 3. Dora writes a letter and add a photo that the woman gives her,in order for the father to know how is josue physically. Then, that woman is crashed by a car and the boy stays alone at the central station waiting for his mother. 4. Dora takes the kid home out of pity. After a while, the kid,josuet, finds out that Dora never sent any letters. Josuel never liked Dora and Dora traffics him for money. Her friend Amanda finds out and get mad at Dora. She regrets and steals josuel back. 5.She decided to take him to his father, she flies away with him and she goes to the bus station,she embarks on the trip to bom Jesus do North where the father was. At first Josué didn't want to travel with her but she coaured him that she was trying to help him. After they arrived at one of the stations in the way, she left him with some money and pretends como back home but Josué gets down from the bus, so they stay at the station without money waiting for some transportation and they find a truck driver who help them. 6. The way of make some money was writing letters, in the town people was iliterate. Dora charged for sending letters but it was a big lie. For buying some food, some clothes and for paying a (WIGHT) in a hotel. 7. Finally they arrived at Josue's breother house and they start to read a letter that their father wrote his plans were being with all the family and lived together. At night at down Dora decided to come back home in Rio and leave behind josue with his brothers. Josue woke up and run but he couldn't find her. At the end they remind all the moments to they shared together. CONCLUSION. 1. Social actors learn how to put her or his social knowledge through the use of cultural and social communications. 2. A educated person use Knowledge as a tool for elaborate alternatives for help the others in a good or bad way. GINNA VILLAFAÑE JHONNY ARCOS

central station's plot By Gustavo and Alex

central station's plot

she is a middle age woman who worked at the central station in rio de janiero. writing letters to anybody who needs it. in the past she was a teacher, her moral standars lacked of ethic because she deceived people making them believe that she posted the letters and she didn't. she makes money out of ignorant and naive people. one day a woman asked her to write a letter for her husband. she was with a kid named josue. she was angry and annoyed because her husband abandoned them.

however she come back at the other day to turn down the letter sending and she decided to do another one. she left a photo inside the letter and walked out. then both. josue and his mother were passing by the street and a spinning top fell down from josue's hands. his mother was standing at the middle of the street and while josue was taking his toy a bus crushed his mom.
Josue stayed at the station and then he decided to go to Dora and asked her to write another letter for his father. but he had not money, he passed some time at the station, without eating or drinking anything. and she invited him to her place. he went with her and stayed that night.
the next day dora took him to a house were the kid was sold. she was selling the kid with a friend from the station, so they divided the money and with her part, she bought a TV station. then she regreted her action and went back for him.
Then dora steals Josue's pack, she wants to help him to find his dad, during the trip they have some personal conflicts and Dora decided to abandon Josue in the bus, but the boy also leave the bus to go to the bathroom, by later confusing the bus and the bus left them taking the pack with the money.
A helpful track driver help them by giving them a lift. But later left them because Dora start flirting with the driver, then Dora have to trade her watch for a ride to finally arrive to the boy's father town.
When thy arrive to the town the discovered that Joswe's father had been gone to another town, they had to stayed in this town until the next day, while in the town its people were assisting to a religious celebration. Dora and Joswet have an argument and Joswet flies away and gets lost, Dora starts looking for him, when finally they join again and decided to make some money by writing some letters for people just the way Dora used to do it back in Rio.
At the end they go to the Joswe's father town, finding out that his father wasn't living there not longer . Disappointed they finally met Moises and Issac whom noticed that they were looking for their father Jesus, Dora realized that this were Joswet's sibling, then dora decided to leave the boy with his brothers and goes back to Rio.

Monday 19 November 2012

A Critical Review of Didion, J. 1984, 'Why I write in essays and conversations', edited by Ellen G. Friedmanl, Ontario Review Press, pp 5-10.


Joan Didion is an American literary author who has written several novels and essays. “Why I write” (1984) is one of her essays where she argues that writing is the act of presenting and imposing oneself by saying “I”. This is an autobiographical essay because it uses fragments of “reflective autobiography” in order to see the world through the author’s experiences. The text gives to the readers a clear vision about the practice of writing and trying to convince an audience.

First, she tells how when trying to read or focusing on a serious subject like the Hegelian dialectic theory she found herself on the peripheral: a tree outside the window. Or when reading linguistic theory, she found herself thinking if the lights in the bevatron were on. She could only focus her attention on what she could see, taste and touch. For this reason, at that time, she did not consider herself a writer. Thanks to those peripheral ramblings, she enjoyed writing. She argues that if she had had complete access to her mind, she would not have become a writer because for her, writing is the act of finding out what she is thinking, looking at, wanting, fearing, and finally getting to know the meaning of what she is thinking.

Didion said she experienced images like objects with a shimmer edge, just like schizophrenics and people on hallucinogens do. This shimmer edge represents grammar through the view that the organization of words in a sentence is a key point in what the writer wants to say. If  he or she wants the sentence to be active or passive, long or short; the words arrangement  tells the reader, and the author, what is happening in the picture.

Talking from her experience, the author explains that while writing, writers need to discover little by little the details and information of the story they are writing. They can achieve this process asking themselves questions like “who is the narrator?” “why was this narrator telling me this story?”. These questions are answered while writing because if they were answered before, tas Didion expresses, there would be no need of writing a story.

Even though the type of writing she uses can be considered as non formal because of the lack of authoritative voice or direct references and because it is written as a conversation, this autobiographical essay allows the author to expressed herself through the text and represents clearly the writing process of many current writers. The text is fluid and has clear images of what Didion is arguing. Besides, a good resource used by the author are the examples that allow the reader to be connected with her ideas because the same feelings she presents are the ones of many readers and possible writers. Finally, we agree with the author's thesis: writing is the process of arguing and defending your arguments in front of an audience, presenting what your thoughts, beliefs and experiences have made you.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Are these key concepts?

1. Non-traditional students 2. This led to inclusive and diverse higher education 3. Inclusion & Diversity 4.Critique 5. Approaches to student writing 6. Monologism & Dialogism 7. Skills, socialization, academic writing 8. Self expression 9. Student writing pedagogy 10. Social and ideological nature of student academic writing 11. Language as a transparent medium 12. Language as a way of thinking 13. Academic literacy frame 14. Writing practices 15. Language chain of communication 16. Rhetorical practices 17. Academic writing 18. Dialogic approach 19. Feedback & Talkback 20. Academic writing conventions 21. Design 22. Theorizing different levels of dialogism 23. Dialogue as given 24. Dialogue as something to struggle for 25. Academic literacies as design 26. Critical language awareness 27. Academic literacies 28. Researchers often share intellectual roots 29. CLA own theoretical and pedagogical framing 30. Critical framing: CLA tends to work from within a dialectic approach to meaning making 31. Pedagogical framing. CLA tends to assume that an expert is engaged in raising awareness