Friday 23 November 2012

Topic of "The hours"

 The hours' topics

I think the film "The hours" develops several topics.
There is life Vs death, regret; absurdism; love and happiness.

The film shows how life is conceived by some people (the female protagonist) and how it goes into a monotone chain of events. Those women are looking for something that makes their lives remarkable, something that not only makes them feel happy but free and complete. Surely they regret the way their lives have passed. In that way, they can identify how absurd is living a life like anyone else and pretend to be happy.
It is possible to realize absurdism in some scenes when the characters look depressed and they want to be different, to do things in a different way. One example of it is Laura Brown when she makes the decision of leaving her children.
There is also regret . The character of Clarissa, for example, regrets how her life has no sense without Richard and she believes he is right when he call her Mrs. Dallo-way because of what that name represents.


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