Sunday 25 November 2012

Notes from the movie "The Hours"

I would say there is not just one topic for the three stories. Themes such as having a double life, sadness and suicide are developed all along the movie.

Nevertheless, there is a common issue throughout the film that links the stories of Virginia (character based on Virginia Woolf), Laura and Clarissa. Deep inside, the are unhappy, even though they seem to have succesful lives. There is something they hide.

In certain way, reading and writing emerge in the middle of their tragedy as a "blowoff valve". I found particularly interesting how Virginia wrote down all her wishes and frustrations on her novel "Mrs Halloway", and the way Laura felt identified with the character in Virginia's work.

It was surprising to find Richard (the poet in 2001 story) was Laura's son, and to see the way her decision (in some way influenced by Virginia's novel) affected Richard's life. His relationship with his mother, at the end, made him to kill himself. This way, the circle was closed.

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