1. Balanced
Bilingual: a person who is able to use the languages (the native
and second one) more or less with the same level of proficiency.
2. Bicultural
person: in this text we consider that a bicultural person
is someone who has learned or acquired two or more cultures that co-exist or
not in a place or region. This person should be able to cope in the different
cultures as a native.
3. Bilingual
Education: a curriculum in which two or more languages are
used as a medium of instruction.
4. Bilingual
Person: there are several theories concerning the level of
proficiency a person needs in order to be bilingual. In this paper we agree
with the theory of someone who is proficient in two or more languages in a
balanced level.
5. First
or Native Language, L1: the language a person has acquired
the first in his or her childhood without studying it. For example, a child of Portuguese
speaking parents living in Colombia; his first language is that of his parents,
Portuguese, because is the language he has acquired before Spanish.
6. Foreign
Language: a language used in a country other than one's own. A
language that is not official in a country or geographic space. For example, a person
who is learning mandarin in Colombia can say he or she is learning a foreign
language because in Colombia that language is not official in any place of the
7. Language
Skills: in this article we refer to the four macro-skills
concerning language: listening and reading (input) and speaking and writing
(output). The expressive skills are those in which a person is asked to produce
in the target language, that is to say, in the output language skills.
8. Monolingual
Environment or Community: a place, institution, society,
etc. where only one language is spoken as officially. For example, in the Colombian
Government, Spanish is the official language through which press communications
and every sort of documents are written or spoken.
9. Proficiency:
to be proficient, which is to say, well advanced in an art,
occupation, or branch of knowledge. A person who is very good at doing
something, especially through practice.
10. Second
Language, L2: any language learned or acquired after
the first language or mother tongue. For
example, a person who is Spanish native speaker and who learned, in her or his
childhood or adolescence, the English language. English is his or her second language
because it was learned after Spanish.
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