Wednesday 31 October 2012

Universidad del Valle
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Composición escrita en Inglés VII
Profesora: Sol colmenares
Estudiante: Gustavo Adolfo Quintero L


The publication I have chosen is from the magazine LINGUISTIC AND APPLIED LANGUAGES, it’s the number six and it has a frequency of publication on March once a year must of the publishers, according to the magazine requirements for publishing (The contributions accepted for publication are those that reflect scientific excellence (analytical rigor, sound methodology, significant findings, etc.) author’s most have an academic background related with linguistics and developed through a considerable amount of time, so even if the magazine doesn’t  reveal authors personal information, it will be possible to say, they must be academics highly well prepared in their personal fields of study.

The magazine main concern is to share to the academic community, related with linguistics and its different purposes, new and relevant studies or discoveries; they publish any kind of research reports in the linguistic field, equally if they are theoretical or practical, mainly in the fields of:

• Discourse Analysis
• Language Teaching
• Terminology and Translation
• Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP)
• Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Both  national  and  international  associations  related  to  the  fields  of research which are the focus of the journal (i.e. AESLA, AILA, AEDEAN, etc.)  Will be asked to collaborate with publishing and distributing the journal through their mailing lists. In addition, the journal is included in the
Lists of journals indexed in the area of applied linguistics with the aim of guaranteeing its distribution at an international level.

ERIH European Reference Index for the Humanities:
Base de conocimientos de SFX (Exlibris)

Only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered for publication.  Authors should refrain from submitting any work that is being reviewed simultaneously or pending publication in other forums.
Upon receipt of the submission, the corresponding author will be notified by e-mail. The Editorial Board will then forward the two anonymous papers to the Consultant Editors for evaluation.

Monday 22 October 2012

Questions for Project 451

- Have human values changed due to technological advancement?
- Related to ICTs: The internet has grown into a large network. There we can find different kinds of issues to study. Do people take advantage of all this material to improve their knowledge?
- Psychologically: How does technology influence those gaps that our families are having nowadays?   
- Ethically: What do you think about each person cannot speak quietly because there is the fear of being killed?

Saturday 20 October 2012

Third Version of my PWP

Universidad del Valle
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Composición escrita en Inglés VII
Profesora: Sol colmenares
Estudiante: Leidy Yareth Martínez López

Learning a Foreign or second language in childhood

I would like to set first the topic I am going to talk about; it is the theory of critical period in learning a second language. I chose this topic because I believe this is a vastly but not completely developed issue in learning a second language and it could generate some ideas about how to improve learning a new language in adults and how different could it be from learning in childhood. They exist several researches about the critical period made by experts, but although there is a consensus about the existence of a biologically-based critical period for second-language acquisition, they disagree about the age when it is supposed the brain has to make a bigger effort to achieve a new language.

This essay is addressed basically to people who are interested on knowing more about learning processes or learning styles. However, the topic could be interesting for the whole educative community of Second Language Learning and Teaching.
The main purpose of this text is to show if learning a foreign or second language from early ages is appropriate or not.  Besides, I would like to know more about this hypothesis because it can help me understanding my future students’ needs according to their age or cognitive development.

Along the essay I will talk about different perspectives that enhance or not learning a new language in childhood. First, there will be some experts that argue since there is a biological change in human’s brain that for all people is difficult to achieve a second or foreign language, so learn another language from children would be better in order to get it easily. Second there will be exposed some ideas about learning a new language is easier for adults. Finally there will be some conclusions.

In my text I have selected a study made in the United States called New Approaches to Using Census Data to Test the Critical-Period Hypothesis for Second-Language Acquisition by Kenji Hakuta, a Professor of Education at Stanford University; Ellen Bialystok, a Research Professor of Psychology at York University and Edward Wiley, an assistant professor of quantitative methods in educational policy at the University of Colorado-Boulder. These researchers made a test to analyze the critical Period Hypothesis with people from several ages. At the end of the study, they expressed that the results of the test they applied demonstrated proficiency scores declined with increases in age of initial exposure to the second language.
Although they did not say it, there is an implicit idea that encourage people to learn a new language from childhood since later it would be more difficult.

Another point of view is the one from David Ausubel in his text Adults Versus Children in Second-Language Learning: Psychological Considerations, in this work he establishes some differences between adults and children that help the latest to reach the new language, nevertheless, he also mentions some ways in which adults are better than children in that process. In fact, one of the two main aspects he demonstrates in his text is that adults can acquire new languages more readily than children.

We must appreciate the fact that the child does not learn his native language with     phenomenal ease and rapidity Quite the contrary, his acquisition of the mother tongue is a long, slow and arduous process despite prolonged and continuous exposure, and despite exceedingly strong motivation to learn so that he can communicate with adults and peers. Typically he is four years old before his use of syntax even begins to approximate the conventional standards of his language.
Ausubel, D. (1964)

Ausubel (1964) not only argues that adults have advantages over children in achieving a new language but he let people to  know that an aspect that is important to define if learning a foreign or second language from early ages is appropriate or not, because he says that children are four years old before his use of syntax, so since children need four years to develop the process of acquiring the syntax of their mother tongue it would be better to let this process to go beyond before making them get another language, in that way it would be possible that they learn the second language by having a solid base of the first one.
Finally, I have to say this text does not prove children must learn another language from so early, it is important to realize that learning process involves several aspects and they have not been touched in this text, however what is possible to know after reading this essay is that there are some perspectives that proves children learn easily than adults but there are others which demonstrate that children need time to learn a language and  since it a long and hard process it would be good to let children grew up developing their mother tongue before trying to get another.

Hakuta, k.; Bialystok, E and Wiley, E. (2005) New Approaches to Using Census Data to Test the Critical-Period Hypothesis for Second-Language Acquisition
Ausubel, D. (1964) Adults versus Children in Second-Language Learning: Psychological Considerations.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Dear students,
Remember that tomorrow (Friday, october 19th) 
Amatoga will be available to help you with both:
your PWP and Project 451
Time: (Morning) 9-11 a.m. 
         (Afternoon) 4-6 p.m.

Room: 2012

It's strongly encouraged that you schedule an appointment in advance:

Amatoga's e-mail:
Amatoga's mobile number: 316 886 3568

Best regards,
Sol Colmenares
Profesora Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje
Universidad del Valle

Wednesday 17 October 2012

A Diver writer expresses a detailed situation, He is able to take the reader to the top of a deep sensation, but he could fell down in a boring text while he’s describing it.

The Patchwork writer uses ideas from other texts or books and shares them in his own text.

Grand-Plan writer uses a sequence of situations and takes into account every part of his text to build a new one. He’s able to relate all his thoughts and take them to the text in a careful way. 

An Architect writer takes idea by idea and develops every paragraph using the appropriate connector to achieve an excellent text.

I consider myself an Architect writer due to my planning strategy to build a text; I always write my ideas as a draft and develop one by one giving them the appropriate meaning and extending. I often support those ideas and finally I join them with suitable connectors. 

Question for 451 project 

Group: Alexis Herrera Monsalve, Jhonny Arcos, Rosa Doris Huertas


1.       What are some difference between the families in the 80’s or 90’s and the ones now a day?
2.      Do you think that families are more divided day by day?
3.      Do you think technology has changed behaviors in today’s families? Why?
4.      How do you imagine families in the next twenty years?
5.      What are the real roles that have the Medias and the technology in the society?

MWP: What type of writer are you?

Diver Writer: There are two steps in which a person can be a diver writer, the first one is when he decides to jump, to take the risk, so the writer could not know anything about the topic that he has, but he decided to launch out on his own and is here when the second one step arrives, he begins to search in the context of his topic the ideas that concern, increasingly deepening in order to bring out a text that reflects all the work invested in it.

Patchwork Writer: Patchwork is not only joining different pieces of fabric in one form, is design one beautiful entire piece from a lot of pieces with different colors and shapes, if you see some work of patchwork you will see that all the pieces fit, despite their differences, so probably the patchwork writer does that, he could have different ideas about his topic, but he searches the way to put them together in order to obtain a beautiful text. He simply does not make his text a collage of ideas. Instead, he designs it contrasting them. 

Grand-Plan Writer: Making a grand-plan requires a To-Do list that contains all the necessary in any situation in life. So accord to this, Grand-plan writers think first in all the subjects to take into account for their texts and make a plan. I think they initiate with a brainstorming, then they eliminate ideas that do not enrich the text and leave the good ones, thus they may make a written plan, organizing their ideas in the way that they want to develop the topic.

Architect Writer: an architect designs buildings from precise rules of physics, engineering and aesthetics, he looks for creating a habitable, safe and functional environment for people. So an architect writer does the same, but with rules of grammar and writing, he looks for creating a well-constructed text that works for the people who will read it.

What Type of Writer am I?

I usually search information about the topic in which I have to work  in order to come up with relevant subjects  or ideas and then I began to put them in the form that I think they look good, so probably I am a mix of Diver and patchwork writer because I do not plan or build a text from specific writing rules.

Tuesday 16 October 2012



Monday 15 October 2012

MWP. What type of writer are you?

This type of writer works a lot in subjet he/she wants to write about before starting writing and then he/she goes in depth when writes.

This type of writer makes some drafts for each idea he/she has and then he/she joins each one for forming a complete text.

This type of writer looks for information about the topic he/she wants to develop before starting writing. Then he/she creates a  writing plan based on the information he/she has.


This type of writer builds a writing plan even before having or knowing clear information about what he/she wants to write.


I feel identify with the Grand-Plan Writer because before starting writing, I need to be sure about the topic I want to write. That is why I do not like to create a writing plan when I do not have clear in my mind the topic that I want to develop.

Group's Questions

Universidad del Valle
Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras (Ves)
Composición escrita Inglés VII


Diana Carolina Monedero
Ana María Rodríguez
Andreinna Delgado
Andrés Acosta

  • Do you think the interaction between people through internet is positive or negative to our society? Why?

  • Do you consider Colombian Tv shows offer a cultural enrichment to the audience?

  • Do you think the weakening of  human relationships has to do with the excessive use of social networks?

Saturday 13 October 2012



During my life I have had the opportunity of writing in English, Spanish and French, I have had the chance of creating some colorful and diverse texts due to my tutors programs and it has been a funny crossing.
Everything started with Spanish, as clearly it’s shown I’m skilled on, but I will tell a particular occurrence in high school; I had to create an essay and I felt authoritative in my words. It was a sublime experience because I had the vocabulary learnt during my whole life and I held all the tools to built an excellent text, the words streamed in the wind like butterflies in mating season, they also walked through my head and I felt I wanted to use them all; once I chose them I caressed them in the same way I touched my body in first time’. They were delicate and fragile, from their skin came others off extremely majestic and I felt they were able to be dance on the paper and find the best place to settle down. There wasn’t any trouble to catch the thoughts and haze them of grace to fuel my text.
A different thing happened when I had to write in English, it was a lusty night at the University I felt nervous as much as you visit the dentist (you remind all your deeds but it is difficult to face it); even if you have to write something related to your life it becomes in a shocked experience, it dazed with my daisy field and my fantastic words, since I had to pull them out of me like a turkey that knows will be the main character in Christmas eve. However, finally I did my best, I spread all my luxury vocabulary and sew beautiful words in my text, but I felt all the attempt wasn’t enough to be wisely saved from a tweak.
In contrast to the others experiences, my French debut was awful, It looked like a toothache in the middle of the night and living in nowhere, owing to I had to write a composition about the water (I know it might be easy but it wasn’t), I had to resort to my dictionary, my book of French verbs conjugation, my grammar book even to the teacher to produce a sentence, but it was frustrating, all the tiles of my roof fell down like a jug and finally I sweated my impotence vowing not do it again.



Students of earlier semesters of foreign languages course don’t have enough pedagogical competences to face an effective educational practice.

Foreign Languages Students are enrolled through a substantial exam which demands some basic skills to get in the University; it encloses some abilities students might have to initiate the career, as to build unknown grammatical constructions up and organize them as coherent statements; even recognize, understand and apply English abilities in order to handle them in a specific context, everything with the purpose of verifying beginners should be admitted to an advanced education. However those skills drive students to make their debut inside of a classroom starting career but without the adequate pedagogical training.
In one hand, foreign languages beginners start teaching, most of the time, without a training in pedagogical components mainly in (Foreign Language, linguistics bases, didactic, pedagogy, researches, etc). It’s seen that a juicy quantity of foreign languages students feel confidence of speaking other language and think they are able to face a group of students. However, the educational practice requires a specialized grounding, even more that a career can hand on; as an example of that we have the identification of skills, competences and abilities a student posses and how to take an advantage of them to enhance his learning process which a trainee, at the beginning of a career, doesn't cover. Besides it’s possible they feel limited on counteract deficiencies presented in their public, and methodology implemented becomes useless. For those reasons once a committed teacher knows the different kinds of strategies people must experiment and study inside a classroom to improve the process of learning a second language, the result will be significant.
The process of teaching languages involves advance schooling, owing to the existence of a substantial variety of teachers, who transform the educational experience and evolve the doctrine, but there are others who just follow the parochial method and become in archaic mummies providing and providing concepts. According to those two categories we can talk about the different types of teachers; some of them transmit what they know and give as a duty what they don’t know; others have the knowledge, the methodology and illustrate techniques, and finally teachers who present to their public fresh methodologies, creative approaches and they are aware of the interests of their learners changing their attitude toward a second language. This preview group is, in my opinion, the ideal pattern of an instructor.
On the other hand, some institutions let students of earlier semesters from Foreign Languages courses start teaching with a low-payment. The ability of knowing a second language let students to teach about it, and schools or institutions make a profitable deal paying less what they deserve because they don’t have a certification to demand more. In conclusion, some of those prefer a person who has a well-speaking-aptitude in a second language than a graduated one.
There is another fact inside of the Foreign Languages field, and it’s that learners hurtle toward teaching practices in order to get work experience, because once the career ends they can access easily to a labor market and their resume becomes attractive to achieve excellent payments in addition to be admitted in ideal jobs. As a result, students from initial semesters find the teaching practice a way to apply their knowledge with a real public, remain all the aspects inherent to a second language and at the same time achieve experience to face a demanding market.
To sum up, I would say the experience of being trainer as a trainee can limit the teaching practice because doesn't exist a plenty construction of a professor that knows everything about his learners and the methods to guide them toward an outstanding learning. Moreover because a teacher has to be skilled of dealing with any kind of learner trying to be the most important agent of culture and encouraging them to feel comfortable with the second language.

Friday 12 October 2012

Questions to make the 451 project

Universidad del Valle
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Composición en Inglés VII
Profesora: Sol Colmenares
Estudiantes: Leidy yareth Martínez, Margareth Marmolejo y Natalia Gonzàlez

1) What is happiness for you?
2) Are you happy? Describe your happiness.
3) How do you spend time with your family nowadays, and how is it different from families in the 60s or 70s?
4) Do you think technology is necessary for modernization?
5) Do you think it is right to think critically 
about social issues?

Wednesday 10 October 2012

What up Da Quill Bloggers!

As promised, I have included all the information about Project 451. The following is the essay prompt: To what extent is Bradbury's main argument also true for the Colombian context?? Please develop your argument in a well-crafted essay using examples from the novel, film adaptation, and interviews to support your claims.

If you recall from our class today, we came up with the following topics that we thought encapsulate Bradbury's main argument to be included in the Project 451 essay:

  •  degradation of society through technology (i.e. tv, internet, transportation/MIO v. busetas)
  • loss of traditional Colombian family values
  • misconception of happiness
  • fear of critique/critical thinking (maintaining the status quo v. radicalism/terrorism)

 You are more than welcome to combine and modify these topics according to your personal vision for the paper. You are to conduct no more than four interviews total with a length of no more than one hour each. The essay is a maximum of three pages. Partial transcriptions are to be included in your essay as evidence to support your claims. 

Lastly, the first homework assignment related to Project 451 is due Wednesday, October 17th. Please have the following prepared by next Wednesday's class:

  • Your first interview (without a transciption)
  • Challenges and succcesses you came across during the interview process
  • Your essay topic
  • Upload your group's interview questions to the blog
I will share the interview questions that the morning class came up with this week as well so stay posted!

Please feel free to come to my office in room 2012 any day of the week between 11 am and 1 pm to discuss your project. 

Best wishes,
Amatoga :)

Monday 8 October 2012



The text gives us a critic view of university’s’ relations installed in the modern concepts of academia, considering the previous conceptualization about the influence of the social and political development through history in work relationships, it also underlines the vertiginous theoretical swiftness, as a result of net-world society which allows fast communication but befuddling the mental process of conceptualization.

The author also considers there are another facts that should be analyzed, like personal concerns, when choosing a work, related with payment; insecurity and anxiety, and how the institutional bureaucratic and political practices influence the professional and Academics’ personal life, all this as the result of a structural transformation, corporatization, privatization of the university, where education is being instrumentalised in service of industry.

A reconfiguration of academic relationships in market terms have produces the degradation of payment and work conditions, even this, academics have assumed a non-critical and passive attitude, the subsequent effects, in our context, are the bureaucratic corruption in the management of public sources and an administration of power in Academic relations, commonly seen as the favoritism of those who belong to the closest circle of those who “Administrates”, this favoritism is commonly evident, as the text says, in the PhD supervision, the discussion about workload or promotion.

Our immediate academic context, the University of Valle, seen through the text glasses and its considerations about neoliberalism and its market dynamics, where everything could be seen as countable and standardized, make us think about, how deeply the actual academic work relationships are involved with the concept of “Compulsory Individuality” where academics and their daily development it’s been supervised  and audited, quality process for accreditation are the evidence about how the neo-liberal concept of academia it’s being developed in our academic vicinity. What is considered in the text about the economic rationality in terms of productivity, the epistemological field and the results of its interaction between those who practice its discipline, all this conceived as “rendered knowable and calculable in terms of quantifiable outputs” it’s an actual reality, non a theoretical fact, and indeed not just an English VII task.
Besides, the author present a bitter view toward the extra workload born out in the neo-liberal  University; he complains about both, silence and marks reflected inside of an academic world due to a punishing intensification of work has become in an academic feature, according to the author.
In one hand are acceptable his comments because types of neoliberal jobs try to do more things in less time, in addition they are able to exploit a person and cope all his free time, rather than understand people can’t cover all tasks an academic field demands.
On the other hand I think a pedagogical world requires a committed and devotional labor at the point of a person includes own time to attend all kind of requirements this field demands. Moreover the professor should organize the time to deal with the needs.
In conclusion a neoliberal academic life involves self-monitoring, flexibility, creativity and internalization of new forms of reviewing to instigate the hard work and achieve resistance in individual practices. 

MWP What type of writer are you?

The diver writer.
I think this kind of writer finds difficult to stick to a plan what he wants to say.I think is the type of writer  who uses his thoughts as a plataform for jumping into the water of ideas   and try to organizes them with dificulty.

The patchwork writer.
 it is a shape.
is a writer who uses o lot of information in order to form a big writen with many ideas and  makes a list of headings that relate to the question and uses these to create some idea , the ideas are often unclear about the shape of the argument .

Grand Plan Writer

The Grand Plan Writer spends a lot of time reading and making notes collecting ideas ,may be because material is important, and not made an explicit plan. 

The Architect Writer 
is some one who darw.
May be he or she begin  sometimes using a diagram to help with the planning may be a mind maps in order to organize  the main ideas.  As an architect, the foundations of writing begins with  planning ideas by separate,planning  everything to building a good text.

but what type of writer am I?

I think i am a mix o f the diver and the grand plan  writer, because sometimes I do not know what I want to say I do not know if it is because of the muse  and I have a dificulty to organizing my ideas and  I  spend  a lot of time reading and making notes, collecting ideas , because material is important to me, and not make an explicit writing  plan. 

Rosa H: What type of writer are you? (MWP)

What type of writer are you?

The diver writer: Is the writer who gets the motivation of writing and makes details that go deep in his/her own text.

The patchwork writer: I the one who writes its text just ones, because he/her trusts in what he/she did in the first version. For this kind of writer is difficult to see his own mistakes.

The grand-plan writer: This writer always is very organized and has his/her own plan or strategic to write, also has a very clear structure of what and how to write.

The Architect writer: This one is who build his/her text carefully; he/she takes into account the base and all the details in order to leave his/her writing well-grounded. 

I recognize myself as a mouse writer because, I hide my writings because I feel scare of the baulk.

MWP What type of writer are you?

Diver Writer: is a writer who goes deep while writing about a topic. It is the kind of author who explores, explains and expands his or her ideas throughout the text. Sometimes, this writer may lose his or her center, so it is necessary to be really focused while writing. 

Patchwork Writer: is a person who gathers lots of information and data and tries to put them together. Nevertheless, this writer fins difficult to build his or her own text out of his or her own style and rhythm. At the end, he or she has a text that says what other people say but not what he or she really thinks. 

Grand-Plan Writer: is an ambitious writer that develops and structures his or her text in a very detailed way.  This kind of writer thinks of his audience and plans the text in a way that the readers can follow easily all what he or she has to say.

Architect Writer: this type of writer structures and plans his or her work taking into account the rules. But I believe that at the moment of facing the blank paper, this writer may not find easy to put his or her ideas on it.  He is better at planning than writing.


I feel identify with the diver writer because I want to define and explain everything in the text. Frequently, I go further in writing seizing and going off the road, so I have to re ally focus.