Personal Writing Project
Useful Didactic sequences in English classes: a useful tool
(Possible topic)
Useful Didactic sequences in English classes: a useful tool
(Possible topic)
had had an experience looking a Spanish teacher in her class, and I
really like the methodology that she was doing in the class, the students were
so eager and really attend it, so I was wonder how can she get that, because
the students were taken other six classes before of Spanish, and in those
others classes were like a hell for the teachers, I was in shock, then I asked
her about what she did to achieve that environment, so She say: "Are you
familiarized with Didactic Sequences?" If you don't please read about that
and then let me know, we can share what you have look, and I will clean your doubts",
so I take it as a really personal task, after I finished reading something
about Didactic sequences I try to put into practice with my own students, then
I discover that in some subjects works better than in others, but ¿Why?
I am expecting to search is more information about Didactic Sequences as a tool
to the English teacher to use in the daily classes, and not only as teacher
resources also as learning strategies.
I as a professional foreign languages English teacher in training, I will
try to explain students and teacher in my field the importance of Didactic Sequences
means to me. I consider is a valid to our field make discussions every day
about teaching strategies and pedagogical process, is in all parts of our life,
because we are training to be foreign languages teacher. It’s remarkable trying
to become better day by day, and to look for guidelines that are currently
handled in teaching, that’s why I recommend being not just a good English level
as teachers also to prepare to be great pedagogical teachers.
What is Didactic Sequences?
believed that, both physical manipulation and social interaction are necessary
to the student development. Without the presence of the teacher, the learning will
not be the same. In the social interaction, the kid learns which
characteristics are the most important, which must distinguish and which have
to act. In a share activity, the teacher influence directly in the learning
means that the teaching-learning process involves the student and the teacher
in a social interaction, but in a social interaction that should have some motivating
factors that catch the interest of the student into his own learning process, also
needs the teacher organization. For this last part is a gold key that teachers
have very clear the goal their students have to achieve; but not only that, it
is topmost to write and well prepare the classes taking into account an
structure. At that point is when the Didactic Sequences appears to give the
teacher an alternative organizational process.
activity” is a designed activity which helps the planning of a class. The
activities and the sequences will have positive educative effects during the
teaching-learning process, it let the activities being planned and designed to reach
the goal.
[1] SNTE (2011). “Principios de la psicología y la
educación”, Fortalecimiento para Docentes 2011. Tema 3. Dominio de los
Enfoques de los Planes y Programas y Programas de Estudio de Educación Básica. Pp.23-26.
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