Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Magazine for my Project "Lenguaje"

Universidad del Valle
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Composición escrita en Inglés VII
Profesora: Sol colmenares
Estudiante: Leidy Yareth Martínez López

“Lenguaje” magazine

Lenguaje is an academic magazine. The volume I’m going to present is the volume 40 number 1 made in the first semester of 2012. During the year the magazine is published twice, one on June and the other on December, so the publication is half-yearly.  It is focus on any discipline dealing with language. It has an international scope so it is written in three different languages. However the most articles are in Spanish. The kinds of articles presented on the magazine are: scientific or Technologic Research articles, articles of reflection, Short articles, Reports of case, Review of topic, Translation and Bibliographical review. Lenguage has its own website which is and it is indexed don the web site of EBSCO, Publindex, and the data bases of the university library “Mario Carvajal” you can find it on “Academic one file.” The Editorial Committee is composed by several specialists not only from the university, but from other countries as well. The director of the magazine is Gladys Stella López J. from the Universidad Del Valle and there are linguists like Rocío del Pilar Nieves and Alexandra Álvarez Muro. The policies of peer-reviewing settle that information about authors, university or any element that can lead the reviewers to know what the origin of the text is must be withheld from the text in order to be of private knowledge. The Editorial policies recommend that articles must be unpublished and must not be presented to other magazines at the same time. The articles must be written in font Times New Roman 12 with space of 2.0 between lines, there must have summaries in the three languages Spanish, English and French which are the languages published in the magazine, the authors must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the maximum extension of each article is 30 pages. The magazine price is about $15.000 pesos and you can subscribe as well by entering to the website and click on the option subscribe. Since this is an academic magazine its financial funding correspond to the university where is developed the editorial process.

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