Sunday 7 October 2012

MWP What type of writer are you?

The diver writer
I think is the type of writer that goes deeper. Someone who tries to get more information about what he or she is thinking. It's a type of writer that analyse very carefully the text. Or perhaps could be a writer that just takes a big leap and does whatever he or she has on mind.

The patchwork writer   
I didn't know the meaning of the word "patchwork", so what I first did was to remember a movie called, "Patch Adams" so I thought it was a funny type of writer. Then, I looked for the real meaning and I found that "patchwork" are different types of clothes, with different shapes and colors that are united and create a one blanket. After knowing the real meaning of the word, I can say that this type of writer is someone that uses a lot of information about one topic in order to make it more reliable. Even though, it could be also a type of writer that mixes a lot of non connected information in one only text.

The grand-plan writer

I think is the type of writer that takes in a very conscious way his/her writing process. Who searches a lot of information in order to support his/her ideas. Someone who develops a map about how it is going to be presented and organised the ideas, which one will be the thesis, etc. I think is a very responsible and engage type of writer in relation with the text.

The architect writer
I believe is the type of writer that develops a structure when is writing. Someone who built something, who has on mind the rules and the need of having a base supported  on a text. Someone that could focus his/her attention more on the way the text is presented instead of what it is said. 

...but what type of writer am I?
I think I'm the grand-plan writer type. I'm used to developing a map before the writing, a map about searching the information that I need. I try to have strong ideas to support mines. I develop a structure, a guideline. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a well text since it is clear and expresses the ideas of the author. I don't have corrections about the estructure, i just want you to check the words "organised" and "analyse" because I am not pretty sure about the letter "s" in those two words.
