Friday 14 September 2012

Universidad del Valle
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Composición escrita en Inglés VII
Profesora: Sol Colmenares
Estudiante: Leidy Yareth Martínez López




Writing in English, French and Spanish is like…

For me writing in English is like building a puzzle because it seems concrete. It is necessary to put all the pieces in the right order to make it good, if you don't do it, and you get lost with one piece, the result won’t have any sense. Besides, most of the time I've been told that writing in English is easier than doing it in other languages because it must go to the point and be simple. I think that's right but not all the time, most of all in the academic field.  I've read some novels and articles which use lots of metaphors and stuff because they need to emphasize some ideas or maybe because the text requires to be presented in a descriptive and detailed way.

Writing in French is like decorating a Christmas tree, it looks beautiful if you organize all the things in a coherent order, but if you don't make it following that order it will be the worst Christmas you've ever had. 
That language as our mother tongue (Spanish), has many forms to say the same thing. To express one single idea you can add some beautiful and harmonic expression that could make the sense of the text different and, if I can say it in that way, to make it deep for reader's interpretation.

Writing in Spanish is like riding a kymco motorcycle, because it seems to be easy but when you do it it's not that way, at least that's what someone who rode one told me once.
We can think that since Spanish is our first language, it would be easier to write in that language, but it is not. Writing in Spanish requires time and a complete knowledge about what you want to write or at least to have a clear map of the way you're going to make your text coherent and that it really gets the purpose it was meant to.

Maybe, at the end we discover that writing in any language requires a process that includes reading, analyzing, searching and putting in order our ideas and no matter what we do as writers it could be interpreted in many different ways since we all think and feel differently and have different interests or willing while reading a text.


  1. Bonjour, Hi, Hola my amie!
    You've created a lot of pictures and images in my mind while I was reading your text. However, there are some aspects you need to check: spelling (ist instead of its), grammar (go the point/ go to the point or I thinks/ I think).
    When you talk about writing in Spanish you say "or at least to have a clear map of the way you're going to take to make your text coherent", define which verb (take or make) allows you to say what you intend.

  2. I've already made the corrections you recommended. Thanks
