Friday 21 September 2012

Plurilinguism within the family, language acquisition problems

Plurilinguism within the family, language acquisition problems

Andreinna Delgado Ricci    


Nowadays, languages of all kinds and origins are becoming a social requirement for different purposes. That phenomenon of globalization, in which the whole world have shared and interact itself in order to increase human activity and interchange worldviews, products, ideas and, in general, culture, have promoted the expantion of plurilinguism. The plurilinguism is the use of three or more languages for a single speaker or a community. One of the several reasons for what plurilinguism can appear is when a couple, each of them native speakers of different languages, decide to establish themselves as a family in another country with a third different language. In that case, their children are going to experience the plurilinguism. Two mother tongues, belonging to the parents and a second language spoken in the enviroment they growing up.

In this previous case it is also found the interculturality between the people that belong to that nucleear family. Any language represents not only a group of signs we can decode and reproduce. It is also included the culture, which is, in the same way as the symbols and signs, a very important characteristic of a language.

Now, talking about the acquisition of three or more different languages at the same time in early childhood, in cases as the one presented before, there are some problems that can emerge in that process due to the quantity of grammatical systems, vocabulary, phonetic, among others, trying to be adquired for the child.

The purpose of my personal writing project is to describe and show to the reader the consequences in the language acquisition process in the early childhood when is present the plurilinguism within the nuclear family; how we can avoid the issues that appear in those cases and how we can promote the plurilinguism, which is not considered something negative, in the child without further language acquisition problems.
I'm going to support myself with theory about information related to the language acquisition process which is included in the field of psycholinguistics, branch of the linguistic that study the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language, something I personally find very interesting and useful for my professional training as a future language teacher.



  1. Mi blita blita I think your topic it's very ineresting and you touch key facts to explaing the purpose of why you chooseed to wrtie about itI, In my opinion I would recomend that in the last part of the first paragraph "One of the several reasons for what plurilinguism can appear is when a couple, each of them native speakers of different languages, decide to establish themselves as a family in another country with a third different language. In that case, their children are going to experience the plurilinguism. Two mother tongues, belonging to the parents and a second language spoken in the enviroment they growing up." I would star like: A clear reason why plurilinguisim apeears in children is when a couple when they are different native speakers decide to stablish themselves as a family in another country with a third different language in this case children are......

  2. ....In the second paragraph I would recomend you to make a better conection between paragraphs saying something like "In the previous case exposed we can also find the interculturality...."

    In the third paragraph in the first part I recomend to be alittle more clear blita " The purpose of my personal writing project is to describe and show to the reader the consequences in the language acquisition process in the early childhood when is present the plurilinguism within the nuclear family" like for example, The purpose of my personal writing project is to describe and show to the reader some of the cosequences of plurilinguisim in the early childhood acquisition learning process.....

  3. Thanks for your comments, they were very useful for my PWP =)
