Friday 14 September 2012

Writing and thinking

Relationship  between writing and thinking

In my opinion writing it's such a difficult skill to develop and improved depending on the lever a person wants to achieved because required a lot a practise, time and effort, also I think including myself most people find it boring maybe hard to spend and waste time writing  or just no that significant to improved it.

Now thinking for me is easier then writing because as any human being thinking its a skill we developed since we are little and we are use to think sometimes about many things  at once. I believe writing and thinking are related because they are two main ways of expression we human beings have, writing and thinking go hand to hand because one is the reflection of the other one.


Wha's writing fro me?.....  

For me writing in English is more natural than writing in Spanish because I lived half of my life in the states and develop this skill in older years and in a natural way too, including how the language is used, expressions and culture, even though I never been into writing in general at any level, just what an average person writes, for example in:   "e-mails, letters, chat or text on the phone", and not following any grammar rules.

Now that I'm at Univalle and I'm in connection and study different languages and learning how they work in order to be able to become a good teacher I   see the importance to develop these skills. Now taking  in account what I said  I can say  I consider myself a bad reader and writer because as I said before never been into writing; but now I'm looking forward to improved them, it's a long way to go in my case but I'm motivated to learn how to express in a myself in a different and higher level through this important skill.

1 comment:

  1. The first part of your writing, the relationship between writing and thinking, is very well developed for me; you express your opinion about what is for you thinking and writing by separate, depending of your own experience, and later you put into your text a clear relationship between the two concepts. I would recommend to check your wiring and spelling because it can cause some coherence issues and and you may lose some ideas on the way.

    For the second part of your writing, "What's writing for me?" the ideas you present on it are good, because you share with the reader your personal experience with writing in a English-speaking country. However, in addition to that information, you must follow the specific instruction of the exercise which was to compare what is writing for you, in three different languages (Spanish, French and English), with and action or thing. It was more or less make metaphors related to what's writing for you in those languages. You missed two of them; Spanish and French.
