Sunday 30 September 2012


Teacher education refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom schools and wider community. This is a short definition of the role that a teacher has. Been a teacher it is something that happens and sometimes you were not imagining that it happens or that probably you never thought that will be your realityThere are some steps that you have to make, for being a qualified teacher.
First, there is an initial teacher training / education (a pre-service course before entering the classroom as a fully responsible teacher);

Second, there is an induction (the process of providing training and support during the first few years of teaching or the first year in a particular school);

Third teacher development or continuing professional development (CPD) (an in-service process for practicing teachers).

Those are some of the important and basic steps in which every future teacher must carry out for an excellent preparation, without count the thousands of hours of study and preparation, which must have to initiate with the development of his knowledge and learning, in order that likewise it could transmit this knowledge to those that do not possess, take their students from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge, and the key personnel in the institutions who play an important role to bring about this transformation are teachers. Teacher education encompasses teaching skills, sound pedagogical theory and professional skills. Teacher Education = Teaching Skills + Pedagogical theory + Professional skills.

This it is one of the realities in which, every human being, that is ready to be a teacher must face, each of these challenges that they carry to be a teacher, and we can take as example that one of the virtues that every teacher has to have is  patience, to be able to handle numerous or big groups, to teach hundreds of students with physical characteristics and totally different behaviors, this act of deciphering which is the best way or forms of teaching him each of these students, to be able to sow this seed of knowledge in them.

As stated by NCTE (1998) in Quality Concerns Teacher Education, ―The teacher is the most important element in any educational program. It is the teacher who is mainly responsible for implementation of the educational process at any stage.

According to the International Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher education (1987), ―Teacher education can be considered in three phases: Pre-service, Induction and In-service. The three phases are considered as parts of a continuous process.

This information is probably so basic  of what concerns to be a teacher and the education that every teacher must have, being a teacher is not just be standing up in front of students and to teach any type of topic to them, to evaluate them and to give them any type of class.  being teacher is to teach not only a topic, is to teach values, is to try to direct every student in order that it develops a brilliant and thinking mind, and that all that learned demonstrates in his diary live.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good topic. I didn't hear your voice, your purpose and even if we know that being techer is important, you must make it explicit in the text. I didn't understood the general idea of paragraph 2 (Those are some of the important and basic steps...). You should keep working on this topic because I see your interest and as I said before it is a good one.
