Friday 14 September 2012

Writing and Thinking

Universidad del Valle
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras
Composición escrita en Inglés VII
Profesora: Sol Colmenares
Estudiante: Leidy Yareth Martínez López



Writing and Thinking

Writing and thinking are two processes that go together. Nevertheless, it occurs that the process of thinking is faster than writing and sometimes the ideas are clear in the writer's mind but it is difficult to organize them in a clear and nice way in order to be well and completely comprehended by the reader. 
It also happens that the person who writes tends to omit the ideas that he already has in mind because he does not realize that the people who will read the text do not know what he knows, it means that the author could make the mistake of avoid some information in his text that he considers irrelevant but it is not, in fact it could help to understand the whole idea of the text.
Another problem about writing is that most of the time some people, for example students who are just starting to know what writing is, tend to write exactly in the way they think or in the way they talk, that is why it is difficult to understand a written piece because when we are thinking our thoughts can go around and we can pass from thinking about a yellow blouse in a shop and then you connect that idea one about your grandma's dog and we do that in seconds by relating one idea with another. so, if a text is written based on what the writer has just thought it probably does not make any sense.


  1. Hi yare!
    I agree with the general idea your text present but you need to check your spelling in words like "precesses" instead of processes and "riting" instead of writing. Also, when you talk about the author's ideas you should relate it with both genres, like "the ideas that she or he,already has in mind". There are some misunderstanding ideas, like when you gave the example of the yellow blouse and your grandma's dog, some of the ideas are not well linked in that paragraph, they need a connector or a punctuation mark.

  2. Thanks for your comments. I've made the corrections and I like that you understood my main idea in this text as well as you agree with it.
